Websites for Nonprofits

If you are associated with a nonprofit, you have probably discovered that feeling good about what you do is more precious than material gain. You have also learned that your efforts to do good are constrained by the level of popular interest in your cause as well as funding.

Your Organization Needs Exposure

No one needs to tell you that you need a website. An ideal nonprofit website provides you with a platform for educating the public about your cause and informing them about your organization. It facilitates fundraising by enabling donors to instantly make contributions electronically. It allows you to recruit new members and build a database of subscribers who will enjoy receiving your newsletters.

Highly Recommended Features

If at all possible, a nonprofit website should feature a blog and links to your organization's Facebook and/or Twitter pages. These are among the best ways to rapidly communicate news and urgent needs in a cost effective manner. Email newsletters, while equally important, are best issued less frequently. You want them to be welcome in subscribers' inboxes rather than an annoyance.

My Involvement With Nonprofits and Their Websites

My involvement began before there was such a thing as the World Wide Web or a website. While working my way through college, I took a job with a child welfare organization in New York. The people were lovely and committed to their work. They were on a mission, and the energy was contagious. After settling in Tucson, I took up church work, organizing day trips for elderly shut-ins. After becoming a web developer, I served as webmaster for a wonderful local organization with an inspired vision. Dogs rescued from shelters were trained by prisoners to serve the disabled. Dogs were saved, prisoners had their lives turned around, and the disabled received loving companions able to assist them. Unfortunately, liability issues put an end to the program. The largest project I have been (and still am) involved with is Bargains That Benefit. Although not legally a nonprofit entity, it functions as a quasi nonprofit. A generous portion of BTB's proceeds are donated to local schools and charities. I also currently help with invisible-to-the-public, back-end programming work for the docents at the Tucson Museum of Art.

Quest for the Good Web

Nonprofit websites are high on my list of contributors to The Good Web -- a web that seeks to give more than it takes, encourages and offers hope. Nonprofit websites are also high on my list of preferred work. I hope you will feel free contact to me to discuss your website needs and allow me the opportunity to assist you in your endeavors.

Pet Causes

I am especially interested in organizations devoted to children, animal welfare, and seniors.