Free Web Hosting

Guaranteed Free for 3 Years

I am pleased to be able to offer three years of free web hosting for all new websites with just two stipulations: 1) the website must NOT require a database; and 2) it must not use excessive bandwidth or attract unusually high traffic. The policy regarding databases is solely for your protection in the event you need to relocate your site to your own web host. Databases can be nasty things to move, usually requiring professional help. However, moving your website files and images is pretty simple, and you may be able to do it yourself. I will supply you with a zip file or CD containing your site files upon completion of your site, after any major revisions, or upon request at any time. Should the need ever arise, those files can be uploaded to a new web host in a matter of minutes.

What Happens When the 3 Years are Up?

Your free hosting will continue indefinitely until Gradiance Design closes its doors. I have no immediate plans to retire, but it is an inevitable event. My web hosting account is paid in 3-year increments which is why I can guarantee you 3 years of hosting.